by ABFRLadmin | February 17, 2021
We at ABFRL, present stories excerpted from our internal newsletter In Touch, where we celebrate stories of our people and their contributions.
Janet Arole, AVP and Head Corporate Communications, and the Editor of In Touch Newsletter at ABFRL walks us down memory lane on her association with the Fashion and Retail industry.
The business of fashion, brands and retail you taste
it once and it lingers on forever. It makes you go high and leaves you
mesmerized. I get nostalgic reminiscing the time I entered the fashion business
13 years ago, then known as Madura Garments. This thought brings a vivid memory
of one of our ex-directors, who aptly said, to wow your customer, you need to romanticize retail. Thats where
the magic begins with the dawn of new relationship.
There is an insane amount of craziness that makes you go the extra mile to deliver the smile to your audience. And that passion starts right from the leadership team to designers, product heads, visual merchandisers, our front line store teams, factory co-workers to our vendor partners, there is a common thread that binds us to wow our customers.
I remember when my son was barely 3 years old, I would talk to him about the brands in our portfolio instead of teaching him alphabets and numbers. He has grown up on the stories of LP, VH, AS, and so on. Some of these stories revolve around how to distinguish between a profit making store and a loss making one, the story telling in visual merchandising during our shopping trips, the importance of advertising campaigns and marketing budgets and so on. My love for retail does not stop here, it spreads to family and friends; where there is an unsaid rule that my folks cannot purchase any other brands but patronize our brands. And friends do call up when they have to shop for their first job, a marriage ceremony or a party&I am on their first call list to understand which brand to shop from.
There is never a dull moment in this business, so much to achieve, to create and no hesitation to experiment! I think thats what distinguishes between a high performing company where there is freedom to create, to succeed and at times learn from failures.
And we being in the business of fashion, our love for retail therapy is infectious. There is a sense of peace and happiness when I visit our stores and converse with the store teams; an epic moment where you feel accomplished and feel at home. Our brands, our people, our stores with well-crafted merchandise so beautifully and painstakingly created I am so thankful for this wonderful experience.
Live! Eat! Shop! Its that simple for all of us.